The strangest customary laws in Indonesia
The strangest customary laws in Indonesia

The strangest laws in Indonesia
The Naulu tribe is the people who live on the island of Maluku in Indonesia, and they still hold the beliefs that were passed on to them by their ancestors, they believe that the spirits of the ancestors see their movements and control the full control of the people.
Generally the person who will marry will choose the best dowry such as jewelry, money or other valuable things, but the best dowry according to the people of Naolo is the human head, this tradition is included as an unusual tradition in Indonesia.
The customary law of the Naolo tribe that a man who wishes to marry a woman must give a foal in the form of a human head, as well as people in the Naolo tribe offering human heads in the rituals of cleaning the house of all calamities and dangers.
Finger amputation when an individual dies in the family
Everyone must feel the sadness of death, especially if the person who died is a member of the family. For the Dani tribe, if a family member dies, it means that they will lose part of their body parts, specifically that part of the fingers.
When a family member dies, whether that spouse, parent or child, the Dane must cut off a finger as a form of sadness and sorrow. The implied meaning of this tradition shows that the finger is the symbol of harmony, and if one loses, the hand will not work as Optimization, this law applies only to women.
The robber must circumnavigate the island of Gili Trawangan
Robbery is a criminal offense. The perpetrator usually ends up in prison. On the island of Jili Trawangan, when someone steals something belonging to someone else, the offender is not only violating the criminal law but must also be prepared to abide by customary law.
Although Jili Trawangan is one of the famous tourist destinations of the day, it does not make people forget the customs derived from his predecessors, and the customary law of theft is to make the offender circling around the island with a card bearing the inscription "I am a thief."
Denial and isolation of pregnant women.
This strange law also comes from the Naolo tribe. The people of the Naolo tribe suffer from a lack of education and knowledge. Therefore, the Nalu people continue to practice inhumane practices. Today, human heads are usually abandoned, yet there are still other unusual habits such as the law Denial of pregnant women.
The men make a 2 x 3 meter cottage equipped with a 1 x 2 meter bed, called Tikusune, which is intended to protect pregnant women but do so in a unique and unusual way.
Shave the head of the person who destroys the environment
This unusual law has been implemented recently by people living in the village of Ngadirejo in the Magelang area, where these people are very concerned about the environment so they implement this law as they are implementing this law recently.
People in this area rely heavily on the Tangsi River as a major source of irrigation but water is recently contaminated. Beginning on January 3, 2016, local residents carried out an unusual customary law to protect the Tangsi River. Those who were discovered dumping the rubbish or polluting the river will be completely shaved , Besides, the culprit will be apprehended by the police.
Boys are the heirs of their family
According to the law in the Indonesian island of Bali, children are the heirs of their families. At the same time, girls have the right to enjoy the heritage their husbands have received from their parents.
There was an amendment to this unusual law in 2010 that the daughter deserved to obtain 1/3 portions of the entire heritage.
Prison for selling corn seeds
This situation happened to two normal men, Tukirin and Kuncoro from Kediri (East Java), the seed farmers who are trying to sell hybrid corn seeds, but unfortunately, they were forced into prison, thereby breaching articles 60 and 61 of Law 12/1992 on agriculture the plants .
The reason for their imprisonment is that their seeds and crops have not been tested in the laboratory first, and they do not have licenses such as the BISI brand, where farmers have their own maize seeds in each region. Because of this law, farmers must obtain pre-sale authorization.
Prison because of the manufacture of television
Mumahad Kusrin is a middle-aged man from elementary school who manufactures 14-inch and 17-inch TVs from computer screens not used in his workshop. His creativity forced him to deal with Article 120, paragraph 1, of the Republic of Indonesia Act No. 3 of 2014 on Industry.
He was sentenced to six months' imprisonment and a fine of 2.5 million rupees, and was considered to have violated the article, because all the TVs he did did not have official permission.
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