"Intelligent" sensor detects serious diseases...
"Intelligent" sensor detects serious diseases...
A leading US computer and software company has developed a small sensor that can be placed on the fingernail to collect important health data.
The sensor, designed by IBM, can communicate wirelessly with a smart phone or clock to provide information, according to Futura Science.
This device can play an important role in monitoring the health status of people with Parkinson's disease known as paralysis paralysis as well as monitoring the work of jobs in patients with schizophrenia.
The device is not useful in neurological and psychological diseases, it also allows to follow the health status of heart patients and the elderly, which means dispensing relative to traditional tests.
The sensor depends on the degree of pressure exerted by the finger on external objects and also measures the degree of jitter and change over time.
Because the device is small, it can be attached to the human nail continuously, but the problem researchers face at the moment is to reduce power consumption in the sensor.
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