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Pregnant women drink tea .. Study reveals damage

Tea is widely popular in the world, but many of this drink does not suit some people who have special health conditions such as pregnant women.

According to The Conferencing, a recent study shows that excessive consumption of caffeine in tea and coffee during pregnancy has negative consequences on the fetus.

A sample of 1,000 Irish women showed that caffeine intake in the first months of pregnancy was not normal, leading to health problems in the fetus.
Eating caffeine-rich tea affects the length of pregnancy in women and the weight of the fetus at birth, according to the study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition.

She added that these risks are doubly more common among women who drink tea frequently during pregnancy despite many health warnings.
The level of caffeine varies according to the types of tea. Black tea consumed in Ireland has a higher concentration than green tea.

The recommended amount of tea varies from one organization to another. While WHO recommends no more than 300 mg per day, Ireland's Food Safety Authority advises that it should not exceed 200 milligrams.

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