Gate of Heaven - Hallelujah Creator
This wonderful place is actually on the planet and not a fantasy or a painting called Tian Manshan, a high mountain located south of Zhangjiagang City, specifically in Hunan Province, and spread around it many legends and fairy tales by residents in the area and a plethora of exaggerated fairy tales by the inhabitants of the town .
It is noticeable to the roads of this mountain and the existence of protrusions very low and many turns and is not allowed to the heart of the weak presence in this frightening place and the length of this road about ten kilometers and call the road to heaven and it is worth mentioning that the period built by this road is eight years full. Here:
Gate of Heaven !!!
The road was officially opened in 2006 and has 99 turnstiles. This figure symbolizes the palaces of the 9 th Heaven and the highest point on this road is 1300 meters. The direct way to reach the gate is the Telebrick, which is 7455 meters long. The beauty of God's creation in the universe:
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